Build, Promote and inspire people to work as a team and bring awareness to your business
Updated October 08, 2019

Build, Promote and inspire people to work as a team and bring awareness to your business

Jackie Ramos | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Workplace by Facebook

We use it to inform staff of daily events and new projects. We also put out PDFs, photos, and forms for easy access for staff. HR and building events keep staff updated as much as possible of all the work that is being done with departments and building renovations, etc. All staff have access to Workplace. So far it's been a very helpful tool. I do wish it had some type of form building section.


  • Passing information to all staff
  • It's free
  • Chat feature
  • You can view it on your mobile device


  • Maybe finding a way to create forms other than surveys.
  • Has helped out company reach out to all of our employees and help them interact together on projects
  • To get more ideas by teams working across the departments
  • Easy to use with no real training
  • Great place for the HR department to post policies, forms, hiring.
  • Good way for departments to work together on simple events.
  • Good way to post daily events and get feedback from staff ongoing projects.
  • It should be only for work-related items. No personal information should be posted.

Workplace from Meta Feature Ratings

Using Workplace by Facebook

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
  • Creating forms
  • posting daily update
  • chat function
  • would like to see the form function be more robust.
Yes - Work well, Just like face book. Pretty easy to use
A bit bland


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