

AroundDeal is an intelligent lead generation platform that provides the most comprehensive and accurate business contacts and companies info. Our technology and services empower clients to build targeted lists, increase ROI and achieve revenue goals.


Quick ways to find targeted accurate contacts and leads directly with AroundDeal:

1. Chrome Extension: Find contacts and collect leads on LinkedIn and company websites and more.

2. Prospector: Get more targeted verified contact information and leads with one click.

3. Bulk Domain Search: Enter your ideal company names or domain names, you will get you results of targeted contacts information detail.

And so much more!


Guarantee Accuracy.

AroundDeal prospect with the highest accuracy for targeted contacts. If the contact information is incorrect, you get credits back.

1. 100M+ Business Profiles

2. Coverage in 110+ countries

3. 95% data accuracy

Build Targeted Contact Lists in Seconds.

Targeted contact lists building in real-time as easy as clicking. Check your contacts lists you searched anytime.

1. Easy to use and manage

2. Save your searches

3. Easy to export all or any contacts lists


Who can Benefit from AroundDeal?

1. Marketing

2. Sales

3. Recruiting


We do not sell (or buy) databases. If you are looking for a tailor-made list of B2B sales leads collected specifically according to your ideal customer profile, we offer a Prospector Service.

Contact Us:

1. Website:

2. Email:
