Carto (formerly CartoDB) in Brooklyn, New York offers their location intelligence solution.
Score 10.0 out of 10
Geopointe is a geolocation app that integrates Salesforce data with Google Maps. Some key features include Geographic Searching, Routing and Optimization, and Mobile Apps.
CartoDB is great for generating geographic visualizations of data where the geographies are well-defined. It would be great for analysts to develop visualizations of data with spatial elements. That being said, the software is limited if you want to do any real data munging or analysis, as it can be cumbersome to use and there isn't a great interface for actually saving the results of different manipulations (you can save it as a new file, but it's hard to do version control, etc.). I would recommend preparing the data outside of CartoDB and only using the tool for visualization once the data is well prepared.
I feel like our use case scenario is excellent for any company that would like to see more accountability from their sales or service teams. Geopointe's ability to force a Geocheckin when visiting specific Salesforce data is exactly what most companies need. The ROI for combining Salesforce and Geopointe is exponential for any business looking to grow and maintain a good customer relationship.
It is amazing at allowing control of the visualizations. It takes a little bit to get used to but the combination of full SQL queries and CSS-like styling is very powerful.
The services are built on a robust stack of open source software. I was able to build a standalone instance of CartoDB relatively easily (after some research and trial and error).
Server side map rendering is key for handling large data sets. The way the images are returned makes them very easy to catch in an HTTP cache to minimize the hits to the server. The interactivity that CartoDB has built in makes this completely transparent to the end user, they can click on parts of the static images and be presented with popups or change map styles. It's a very clever implementation.
I like the way that we can utilize the registration and look at an area not exclusively to guarantee that our reps are at an office and working yet if something somehow managed to happen we would have a thought of where they are found.
It is an incredible apparatus and resource for our organization for using time effectively.
My number one moment was a couple of years prior when one of the top-performing salesmen considered it the best deals device he had found in his 20 years of selling.
I've found using shapes based on rather weighty data can take some times. Looking for ways to help you optimise in terms of speed and displaying data would be appreciated.
A bit more clarity on what you can and cannot do with a license. There are some functions that you get a scattering of capabilities on (assignments) which you can find that you'll need to pay more for to really unlock.
By utilizing this instrument I am effectively handling my information as it upholds the CVS records and it is simple for me to import such documents as a result of the Geopointe Maps.
CartoDB definitely saves a lot of time when creating visualizations. Previously, I would use different software and have to make edits manually (or just create the visualizations manually to start with). I would say that the software definitely cuts the time required to create certain visualizations by a half or two-thirds.
Geopointe has provided an exponential ROI in terms of customer retention, and conversion of quotes to orders. This is a difficult metric to calculate but it is evident.
Geopointe has provided a substantial positive impact in terms of employee turnover in our outside sales role. Prior to using Salesforce and Geopointe our sales team in many cases was providing false data or copied data from the past. Geopointe's geo-checkin feature eliminates that. We have customized our Outside Sales Agreement to adapt the obligation of the outside sales person, to account for Salesforce and Geopointe and our new expectations.