Best Jail Management Software

Jail management software supports the operations of corrections facilities. These may include state or local jails, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, and related institutions. Beyond administrative support, jail management software offers site surveillance, GPS tracking or location tools for offsite prisoners (e.g. parolees), and communications systems for offenders. Jail management software may also be called correctional facility management software, corrections software, or offender management software. Jail management software is capable of integrating with other systems, such...

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(1-25 of 26)

SmartCOP Jail Management System (JMS)

SmartCOP’s SmartJAIL tracks and manages all asp…

CentralSquare Public Safety Suite Pro (Zuercher)

CentralSquare Technologies headquartered in Lake Mary offers the Public Safety Suite Pro (formerly Zuercher), a public administration and safety management system, supporting jail and offender management, and other administrative tasks associated to criminal justice. CentralSquare…

eForce Jail
0 reviews

eForce Software headquartered in Logan offers eForce Jail, a jail management software system.

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Marquis Software headquartered in Tallahassee offers eOMIS, a complete jail and offender management solution.

Beacon Software Solutions

Beacon Software Solutions headquartered in Ocala offers their suite of jail and offender management solutions.

BIS Corrections Management Solution (orca2000+CMS)

BIS Computer Solutions headquartered in La Crescenta offers their jail and correctional facilities management system Orca2000+CMS.

Securus NextGen Secure Communications Platform (NextGen SCP)
0 reviews

Securus Technologies headquartered in Dallas offers the NextGen Secure Communications Platform (NextGen SCP), designed to provide a modern but restricted and secure communications platform serving jails and the incarcerated.

0 reviews

Huber & Associates, headquartered in Jefferson City, offers Enterpol, a jail and offender management suite which also combines police dispatch and records management.

Jail Solutions

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Visual Computer Solutions (VCS) headquartered in Freehold offers COSS, a jail management software focusing on workforce scheduling, relief, assignment, and management.

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Caliber Public Safety, a Harris company, offers JailTracker, a cloud-based jail and offender management system.

CentralSquare Public Safety Suite Enterprise (Inform)

CentralSquare Technologies headquartered in Lake Mary offers the Public Safety Suite Enterprise powered by Inform (formerly the Inform Public Safety Suite from TriTech Software Systems). CentralSquare Technologies is the company formed from the merger of TriTech, Superion, Zuercher,…

cFive Housing
0 reviews

cFive headquartered in Laguna Hills offers cFive Housing, a detention facility management solution.

Securus XJAIL
0 reviews

Securus Technologies headquartered in Dallas offers XJAIL, a jail management system providing administrative automation and operations support tools.

0 reviews

Authority Altitude

Authority Altitude is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud solution from Civica that provides complete enterprise Local Government capabilities, accessible anywhere, anytime from any device. This enables Councils to reduce the total cost of ownership, eliminating the nee…

Learn More About Jail Management Software

What is Jail Management Software?

Jail management software supports the operations of corrections facilities. These may include state or local jails, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, and related institutions. Beyond administrative support, jail management software offers site surveillance, GPS tracking or location tools for offsite prisoners (e.g. parolees), and communications systems for offenders.

Jail management software may also be called correctional facility management software, corrections software, or offender management software. Jail management software is capable of integrating with other systems, such as automated fingerprint identification software, that provide tools for quick and easy access to inmate information.

Jail Management Software Features

Jail management software includes the follow features and capabilities:

  • Secure communication system for the incarcerated
  • Voicemail, email, or (restricted) Internet access and controls
  • Surveillance and monitoring consoles
  • Incident management and alert system
  • Emergency response module
  • Inmate funds management, trusts, bond management
  • Prisoner information management system
  • Sentence tracking management
  • Probation and parole management
  • Restitution, money transfer, commissary management
  • Financial health, revenue management for private facilities

Jail Management Software Comparison

Consider the following factors before purchasing jail management software:

  • Customization: Customization is essential for selecting the proper jail management software. Having custom options allows you to access information in a quick and effective manner, as well as gather pertinent data more regularly.
  • Training: Jail management software should offer training tools that ensure a smooth transition from an older system. It should also provide easy onboarding for new staff, saving both time and effort.
  • Industry: Some products may contain features that are designed to serve police departments, and they wouldn’t be the best option for a jail or prison.

Pricing Information

The cost of jail management software is customized according to business needs. As a result, It’s difficult to find pricing information for these products. You should contact the vendor to receive a price quote and inquire about a free demo or trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does jail management software do?

Jail management software assists with the operations of jails, prisons, and juvenile facilities. It offers administrative assistance, tracks inmate documentation and cell location, and serves as a communications system for the incarcerated.

What are the benefits of using jail management software?

Jail management software usually integrates with other systems to provide an easy transfer of data. Also, the ability to retrieve and record inmate documentation saves time on accessing sensitive information.

What are the best jail management software products?

How much does jail management software cost?

The cost of jail management software is customized according to business needs. As a result, It’s difficult to find pricing information for these products. You should contact the vendor to receive a price quote and inquire about a free demo or trial.