BadgeCert Reviews


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BadgeCert Pricing Overview


What is BadgeCert?

BadgeCert, from the company of the same name in Northbrook, is an enterprise-class platform for creating, issuing, storing and sharing digital badges that verify earners’ skills, credentials and continuing education experiences. Boasting functionality ensuring real-time authentication for viewers,…


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BadgeCert Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories


What is Sertifier?

Sertifier is a digital credentialing platform that empowers over 1,500 customers across 80+ countries, including organizations like the Ministry of Technology, UNDP, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer. Having managed over 8 million credentials, Sertifier facilitates the creation, management, and…


What is Accredible?

Accredible is a digital credentialing platform that enables users to securely issue, manage, track, and verify credentials. The Accredible suite includes digital certificates, open badges, digital wallet cards, the Spotlight 'Certified Professional' directory, and white labeling. Accredible boasts…

CertifyMe Credentials

What is CertifyMe Credentials?

CertifyMe is a digital credentialing SaaS platform that enables trainers, teachers, event marketers, and HR professionals to award verifiable digital Certificates and Badges with just a couple of clicks. The vendor states that 450+ global brands trust CertifyMe's credentialing platform to automate…