Very customizable and flexible to your needs
October 21, 2020

Very customizable and flexible to your needs

LeAnn Davidson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Accruent EMS Software

The whole firm uses Accruent EMS to book conference rooms along with any additional services in those rooms. It allows us to have a complete look at meetings firm-wide. It also allows us to track the client matters for those rooms.


  • Easy to use calendaring system for all conference rooms firm-wide.
  • Allows add-on services for all of those rooms. These services can be customized per office.
  • Track billing (if required) of those services
  • Allow access to the system by role so some users can edit and others can just view.


  • Reporting can be confusing for new users.
  • Mobile app that shows technicians their responsibilities (this may be available but we haven't implemented it)
  • Easier Administration. So many of the features are not intuitive where you would edit them. If this could be streamlined, that would be great.
  • It has made it easier for individual offices to manage their conference rooms. Fewer hours spent on last-minute changes. Everyone gets notified.
  • It has made it easier to connect all our offices to one system (common language, common experience. If the booking is not in EMS, it doesn't get all the services. So everyone uses it.
  • Replacing the manual reports with automated ones has been the biggest time saver for us.
We used Meeting Room Manager before in some offices and other offices used Microsoft Outlook calendars.

Accruent EMS allowed us to centralize our bookings.
Easily configurable by each location.
Since it is an application for many uses, we had to customize it to get it to fit our needs. Accruent EMS has a nice capability for that. If there could be a set system for each use case, it may have been easier to get set up. We did a lot of training and tweaking in the beginning to get it to what we needed.


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