Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT Review
December 21, 2022

Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT Review

Matthew Kemper | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT

I am a daily end-user of Raiser's Edge NXT and assist other users within our unit and across campus. I was also on the development and implementation team for the university. During the process, I provided crucial technical insight and asked myriad questions through the eyes of IT, everyday users, limited users, admins, and future user needs. Discussions were around database view and web view use, features, and rights to what access levels certain groups and individuals should maintain.

Business problems tend to be common functionality errors and downtime with the product. We go weekly with at least 1-5 syncing or working errors. Other areas that hinder work are around what shows in the web view compared to the database view. Certain constituent biomarkers are only available in web view, which put additional load on certain team members to pull lists that the more numerous web view users could easily access. These are things like club, group, and event participation that do not transfer into fields in web view. The ability to know what groups and activities alumni and constituents have connections with limits insight into individuals and the prospect research.


  • User Interface
  • Support conversations
  • Dual availability of database and web views
  • Mobile access for those using on the road
  • Outlook email add-in is a big help
  • Ability to copy action to multiple constituents
  • Portfolio maps


  • Limit or remove downtime issues that frequently occur
  • Prospect markers like participation
  • Improved features within the Events section
  • Ability to connect an opportunity to more than one constituent or transfer
  • Web view and mobile access
  • List propagation tools
  • Ability to import information from other systems
  • Bio retention and access
  • Ease of use - The less steps helps us use that time for outreach
  • Prospect research access
  • Immense time saving for prospect research and data entry
  • Constituent information consolidation across the organization
  • Historical record-keeping amplification
  • Ability to connect with more people instead of stale information pools
  • Access to deeper information making end-users more intelligent researchers
  • Mobility increase and collaboration efficiencies due to such mobile access
We are able to use a more streamlined system of access, information sharing, and prospect research. These areas empower all users instead of limiting to only a select few with admin access and requiring blinding spreadsheets of information to dig through. The analytics and data also give a deeper view into the monthly and annual trends of activity and fundraising within our departments, unit, university, and individual gift officers. The tools back up the work we do with showing such trends or points in time and help us improve on those areas and develop new ideas and methods of improving our fundraising efforts.
  • Online Training
  • In-Person Training
Blackbaud was willing to share numerous tutorials and personal training to get us up and running along with updates and on-boarding. The personal online training was not drastically different than what may have been in person (in person is still better) as the RE NXT professionals were well trained and ready to educate and handle 'curve ball' questions.

Do you think Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT again?


Raiser's Edge NXT is all about what someone needs in the toolbox and how much it costs. That is what is always comes down to when deciding on CRM tools for any organization. The ability to scale to use is important in growing any non-profit sector. RE NXT should have tiers that are helpful to small to very large organizations that allow the CRM to aid in the work they do and not eat up all of their operational budgeting. Yes, I am aware that a good tool is worth the money, but when there is a space of competitors the balance of cost and quality is one looked at deeply. As far as functionality, I recommend RE NXT to about anyone. As far as the tools needed and cost, it would be less likely to recommend to smaller non-profit groups.


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