Review of Google Drive
August 11, 2019

Review of Google Drive

Chris Hecox | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Google Drive

I use Google Drive to organize and send files to clients, as well as keeping track of projects and doc files.


  • Google Drive does a good job of organization and creating folder structures. It's easy for me to duplicate files as well, especially when I have pre-made templates.
  • Drive makes it fairly easy to send files to people, though, jury's out on whether it's the best for being the vehicle for clients to view documents from.
  • Google Drive has lots of space for me, and if I needed to, I could easily upgrade for more space.


  • I don't think Google has done a good job of making sharing files easy. There's always an issue with whether or not one of my clients has to sign in with their own personal account, especially if their company doesn't have a Gmail or G Suite.
  • I've had issues downloading from Google Drive before, but this is typically working with huge file sizes. I've had timeouts and other things, though these might be my internet connection.
  • Great ROI. It's free. No problems with that.
It's super easy to use, though you'll need to tinker for an hour to learn the basics of folder structure or processing.
I haven't had to use Google customer support for Drive, but based off my experience with Gmail support, it should be pretty quick and painless.
Google Drive is the best option for file storage, as far as I'm concerned. Dropbox will constantly bother you about upgrading and sending them more money; something that I loathe. Of course, I've had dozens and dozens of issues with Dropbox in the past, and none of those issues happen with Google Drive.
Google Drive is great as a free tool, especially with the huge amount of space you start with. It's also great for local file storage, specifically if you work with a lot of word processor files. If you are trying to house tons of folders full of footage or art files, you'll need to consider upgrading.

Google Drive Feature Ratings

Video files
Audio files
Document collaboration
Access control
File search
Device sync
User and role management
Not Rated
File organization
Not Rated
Device management
Not Rated
Storage Reports
Not Rated


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