IBM SSPS- the way to success!
Updated August 09, 2019

IBM SSPS- the way to success!

Shelby Bowden | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • IBM SPSS Statistics
  • IBM SPSS Data Collection

Overall Satisfaction with IBM SPSS

We use IBM SSPS both as a department wide tool and within our smaller lab group. It is primarily used to handle larger statistical analysis problems than can be handled with more simple programs such as Microsoft Excel. The geospatial aspects of it are especially useful and are accessed very regularly.


  • Geospatial analysis functions
  • Large dataset capability
  • Smooth modeling


  • Difficult user interface
  • Hard to switch between programs
  • Better export of visual aids
IBM SSPS has greatly improved our ability to calculate statistical analysis codes on our geospatial data. We have found that both time management and quality of products are increased when we use IBM SSPS versus when we use another program. It has been an invaluable asset to our work and production.
In addition to having a decided positive impact on our operational efficiency and speed, IBM SSPS has allowed for a much improved seamlessness between what we produce and what we send out to the customers. This has allowed us to spend more time focusing on our data quality and less time on the program issues that are solved with IBM SSPS.
Overall, IBM SSPS outperforms competitors in almost every arena. It's ability to both perform statistical analysis and geospatial analysis is unrivaled. Additionally, it is superior in handling large or complex datasets over many of the other similar programs. The only program that does a better job in spatial analysis would be ArcGIS.
IBM SSPS is one of the best geospatial analysis tools on the market, possibly only exceeded by ArcGIS. It is very good with handling large and complicated datasets and manipulating these for statistical purposes. Unfortunately it can be a little non-user friendly and takes quite a bit of time to get used to.


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