Guts required for glory when using Infusionsoft. Infusionsoft isn't for pansies.
Updated June 16, 2015

Guts required for glory when using Infusionsoft. Infusionsoft isn't for pansies.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Infusionsoft


  • Infusionsoft is the only tool that unites e-commerce with marketing and has 99.9% email deliverability.


  • When Infusionsoft provides updates to their API, it often breaks stuff we've spent money implementing. Then we have to reinvest and re-develop almost every time they do an update. This has happened MANY times. And it's expensive considering I'm already spending $300/m for this tool.
  • Infusionsoft, in my opinion, is more interested in their shareholders and the dollar than they are the customer. There are basic things that their service should provide (example: more automated invoicing, better email design-ability, how they handle opt-outs, etc.) but they are more worried about keeping their dollars than improving their product from good to great.
  • Infusionsoft's Certified Consultant program is unprofessional and needs more development. They've made some changes, in the last few years, but I think they've settled back into old habits, and anyone who pays their fee and attends the class is admitted.
  • We were able to go from having a full-time employee managing things to a part-time employee.
  • Sales have maintained for now, but I'm sure they will increase significantly once I'm finished with a product offering that I can be proud of.
  • I do like the email deliver-ability packaged with a membership site/ e-commerce. This is huge to my business.
Depends if the colleague is prepared to invest not just $300/m but thousands a month for the next while implementing and investing into making Infusionsoft an integrated part of their business. For some businesses, its worth that. Others, not so much.

Using Infusionsoft

Again, email deliverability packaged with e-commerce solutions like no other known product. There are definite rough edges with Infusionsoft, but it's all I got.


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