Configr and Linode, +8 years of a successful partnership
January 17, 2022

Configr and Linode, +8 years of a successful partnership

Arthur Furlan | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction with Linode

At Configr, we provide a PaaS solution that makes it easier for web professionals to migrate their websites from shared hosting to cloud hosting - and Linode supports all our website environments. Our customers do not have technical knowledge so they can count on us to make everything simpler and easier and with Linode to make his applications stable and fast.


  • High-performance cloud computing.
  • The best uptime on the market.
  • Simple to use cloud experience


  • Linode could add a Database managed service (DBaaS).
  • Linode could make the backup routines simpler to understand.
  • Linode could add live chat support for customers.
  • With the partnership of Linode, Configr is today the best performance hosting solution in Brazil.
  • With Linode, Configr can provide a PaaS solution without the cost of taking care of all the infrastructure issues such as IaaS.
  • Linode allowed Configr to be one of the biggest hosting companies in Brazil.
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Linode delivers higher performance cloud servers, within an easier web interface, simpler API, and better cost-benefit. Amazon has a complex interface that many times make the customers spend much more time in order to finish simple tasks and use "AWS-terms" so even if you need infrastructure, you need to know the "AWS-way" of doing the same thing.
Linode provides prompt support and the technicians are able to answer complex questions regarding Linux configurations, infrastructure details and give shell commands in order to help you out where the problem really is. In some cases, when the situation demands faster action from their side, they help and work as real partners.

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Linode is well suited for anyone who needs a great cloud performance and stability for an affordable price. Linode provides a simple-to-use cloud experience, while it ensures the best performance for an IaaS provider and a great uptime rate so you can have the best solution within the best cost-benefit rate.


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