One of the best nosql databases for web applications
Overall Satisfaction with MongoDB
We use MongoDB as the main storage technology at the backend level for projects related to web development using the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS).
From a business point of view, the best features it provides are scalability and unstructured document storage, which allows us to have a flexible schema for the data.
- Load balancing and data replication
- Indexing and Document validation
- Support for different programming languages and integration with different frameworks
- Good query performance
- Not the best solution for applications with complex transactions and many parallel operations
- It is not an optimal solution if the application needs to update the database frequently.
- Usually requires more disk space
- We can make more open and flexible systems due to its easy adaptation to new evolutions in web applications.
- In the latest versions it offers support for different transactions and we could carry out real tests related to the concurrency of the application.
- MongoDB allows you to have distributed clusters, which improves the speed of the queries by reducing the latency that exists between the database cluster and the service that executes the query.
MongoDB is more of a general purpose nosql database, while Elasticsearch is a search engine oriented nosql solution.
Percona Server for MongoDB is a more suitable solution for the enterprise field.
The choice of MongoDB as the main database is mainly due to the ease of installation and integration with other development languages and frameworks.
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