Take back control of your sensitive data from the data sharks out there!
August 05, 2019
Take back control of your sensitive data from the data sharks out there!
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ownCloud
We use ownCloud in the export department of the organization to exchange files with our customers. Some users use it for their personal cloud to work from with all their files and media 100% in the cloud. It solves quick and painless file exchange with no password issues. The links can be set to expire after a certain time.
All data is on our own servers, we don't have to be afraid of misuse of our information/industrial espionage, etc. we are 100% in control of our own data.
All data is on our own servers, we don't have to be afraid of misuse of our information/industrial espionage, etc. we are 100% in control of our own data.
- 100% of our data is stored ONLY on our servers and workstation. No external hosting anywhere.
- Open source, no recurring fees for any amount of data we need.
- Feature rich browser based application.
- Mature desktop sync client for PC and Mac.
- The iOS app is sometimes slow or hangs
- The sync conflicts are displayed in detail in the client application, but you have to resolve manually
- We had to invest some time to set up the Linux server and get the solution up and running. Maintenance is close to zero.
- We benefited from this setup as we can use the Linux server (lamp stack) for our internal web development and intranet as well.
- We cancelled our paid cloud hosting and are saving money every month.
The paid cloud services are expensive if you need a lot of data. You're giving your personal and business information to a data-hungry organization. Local NAS solutions are too slow. We run ownCloud on an older business PC and the performance is outstanding, even for remote access, due to local syncing.
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