High quality images
July 14, 2022
High quality images

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Pexels
I use Pexels for finding free images, artwork, illustrations, and videos. They are mostly for our publications such as blog posts, brochures, and white papers.
- You can create collections with the photos you save.
- You can filter by orientation, size or even colour code.
- And you can download it in custom size (it doesn't corrupt the original ratio which is a great feature).
- More content for translation or language sector would be great.
- It would be better if the download count is more visible, instead of in the `more info` section.
- Categorisation system could be improved.
- High quality images
- Filtering system
- Being free
- cost effective - as it is free
- time saving - as the UI and the filtering is easy
- quality of the images gives a good impression for our clients
I know Pixabay and Unsplash and both are similar to Pexels. All of them have similar features in regards to searching, filtering, or collections. But if I am not wrong, only Pexels has the option to download an image in a customised size.
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