PostgreSQL is great for storing large amounts of data
March 15, 2017

PostgreSQL is great for storing large amounts of data

Josh Stapp | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PostgreSQL

It is being used to store 5TB of advertising data for our web app. It has a very fast response time and the JSON support is a nice feature. Since we already know SQL learning it has been easy and the index/pg tables contain a lot of helpful information for us to use.


  • Speed
  • JSON support
  • Widely used


  • Autovacuum problems
  • JSON speed
  • Doesn't clean up indexes well
  • Speed up data retrieval from MySQL
  • Crashed several times from Autovacuum hitting it's limit
  • Allows us to use JSON
Postgres had faster data retrieval for larger amounts than MySQL. The child tables have been a blessing and a curse at times but postgres seems to have a lot more detail about what is going on than MySQL with all of its user/pg/index tables and query planning. There is obviously an enormous amount of information around any SQL based DB.
It works better if you need JSON support. It's very fast and a little more complicated than MySQL especially with query planning. It's bad on keeping space usage small [for] dump/restore. The whole db shrank out 6TB DB to 2TB. Any large project I would definitely pick postgres just in case more advanced stuff is wanted later.


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