Jaspersoft--Power, Flexibility and Simplicity
Updated October 09, 2018
Jaspersoft--Power, Flexibility and Simplicity

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with TIBCO Jaspersoft
- Jaspersoft can be seamlessly embedded into web applications.
- Jaspersoft is easily customized allowing nearly complete control over the reporting environment.
- Jaspersoft is scalable allowing it to grow to meet the needs of our growing user base as our deployment rolls out across the country.
- Jaspersoft is easy to learn for the report developer.
- Jaspersoft Studio is a little "buggy" having to be closed and re-opened periodically throughout the day.
- Multi-select queries return and load the entire query result set rather than allowing "lazy-loading" of records as a user scrolls. This results in slow loading report parameter screens as the lists are loaded.
- It would be great to have source control (such as Version One or Git) better integrated into Jaspersoft.
- Version 6.4.3.final of Jaspersoft Studio has some bugs where some button on the main toolbar simply do not function (such as "Publish the file on JasperReports Server.")
I have used Crystal Reports, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and Business Objects prior to my experience with Jaspersoft. Unlike SSRS, Jaspersoft works easily with multiple database platforms. Crystal Reports is aimed more directly at the end-user, and Business Objects while flexible, is much less developer friendly. Jaspersoft provides cross-platform/database functionality, customizability and the ability to integrate into whatever end-user interface is desired. Additionally, it is much more scalable than the others mentioned. These are some of the reasons we selected Jaspersoft.
Jaspersoft Feature Ratings
Support and Training
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
- Implemented in-house
- Self-taught
I was trained to work with Jaspersoft by my co-team members who were already familiar with it. I have worked in report development for many years and having done so, I found Jaspersoft to be intuitive and easy to learn. I am now very successfully able to use this product.
The product was quite easy to learn the basics. Once I got more deeply into the product and began developing more complex solutions, my training became more intricate and I had to learn the product in more detail. However, overall would rate Jaspersoft as one of the more intuitive report development interfaces I have used.
Using TIBCO Jaspersoft
The users of Jaspersoft within my organization range from inside sales representatives to executives to field representatives.
Our implementation of Jaspersoft requires web developers, Jaspersoft report developers, QA analysts, database administrators, SQL developers and server infrastructure personnel. Needless to say, this is a very large implementation supporting more than 10,000 users.
- Real-time reporting
- Multiple data sources
- Mobile device reporting access
- Data visualizations
- We have fully integrated Jaspersoft into a custom-developed web site for use by corporate personnel as well as clients
- Using our in-house developed web site, we have developed a very robust report scheduling system
- We hope to use a future edition of Jaspersoft to query data from multiple, disparate data sources
- We plan to use Jaspersoft ad-hoc reporting
Evaluating TIBCO Jaspersoft and Competitors
- Product Features
- Product Reputation
- Vendor Reputation
- Existing Relationship with the Vendor
- Third-party Reviews
Te most important factor was the ability to seamlessly incorporate reporting into our web interface.
We are satisfied with our evaluation and selection process.
TIBCO Jaspersoft Support
Yes - Our Jaspersoft implementation is a corporate implementation and having a highl-level of vendor support is critical to a succesful implementation. When issues are encountered, we MUST be able to submit support tickets and have them reviewed and addressed very quickly.
Yes - I have submitted a bug to TIBCO regarding the Jaspersoft development environment. The issue was addressed very quickly and accurately.
I was experiencing an issue where I was unable to use the publish button on my toolbar to publish reports. Jaspersoft support responded quickly with a work-around while they researched the issue. Within a couple of days, they were able to provide a patch correcting the issue.
Using TIBCO Jaspersoft
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Easy to insert an externally developed query into a report
- Easy to control deployment to multiple environments
- It is difficult, if not impossible to incorporate source control with Jaspersoft
- It is currently not possible to use data from multiple data sources in a single report
- Upon publishing a report, it is frustrating that Jaspersoft does not save my publication preferences from report to report
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