Got sleep
October 17, 2016

Got sleep

Brett Torgrimson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

We use the Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance for our entire organization. The solution directly addresses the issue of backup recovery due to user error, hardware or software failure and/or malware infection and file recovery.


  • The appliance runs itself and requires little to no maintenance.
  • Detailed daily email provides a snapshot into the success or issues with a daily backup.
  • The GUI is intuitive and with little training, a user could recover entire systems and/or single file.


  • While it could be a training issue with our users, the removal of a particular directly/computer from the backup seems to struggle. The source destination no longer exists, but the daily email will still report the failure.
  • While the regular user interface has all the functionality needed, the direct connect text interface with the appliance does not allow for a system shut down.
  • More learning tips could be integrated to the GUI allowing the infrequent user to "learn on the fly."
  • Fortunately we have not had a critical business issue requiring more than the occasional single file or folder that a user has deleted or saved over.
  • With the risks facing businesses today, a solid backup solution cannot be an option, but needs to be a requirement. Even if never used to recover dramatically, the stats are out there of business that go out of business if a backup is unavailable in a disaster.
  • While the initial investment may be tough for some business leaders to swallow, if looked as an investment over a few years, it is a good investment.
We were using Carbonite Online Backup. While it was OK for granular file recovery, the thought of a full recovery and the potential down time was scary. We did not shop around much after we learned of the Unitrends brand and heard their solution. While there was plenty of software solutions, we wanted a hardware and software solution that was plug and play with no worry.
The appliance is well suited where you have the need for local backup storage. With the addition of the Unitrends Cloud, backup redundancy is also achieved. Depending on the business and appliance, the amount of data back-uped could be a factor. For example, 1+ TB of recovery is easier locally than recovering from a Cloud site.

Unitrends Feature Ratings

Instant recovery
Recovery verification
Multiple backup destinations
Incremental backup identification
Backup to the cloud


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