VMware Horizon View Review
February 09, 2018

VMware Horizon View Review

Brad Daugherty | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with VMware Horizon View

VMware Horizon View is being used by every employee in our operations department. We have also deployed it for parts of sales and product teams. It is used as a primary desktop for many users and as a remote desktop for other users. The product provides us with the ability to provide users that want the same desktop experience and applications when they move across all of our datacenter locations and offices.


  • Renders graphics using PCOIP and Blast protocols with great graphic quality.
  • Provides users a persistent desktop experience without the need for persistent desktops using their linked clone or just in time technologies.
  • User Environment Manager allows us to control registry values and other user and application specific needs that couldn't easily be done on a non persistent desktop before.
  • App Volumes gives us the ability to virtualize the applications and then deliver then using GPO to our end users based upon location and permissions. It also give us the ability to only update a single copy of the application and push it live to our employees.


  • Monitoring of end user session details has been lacking in the product since its beginning. They are starting to work on modules to help this aspect but they are immature and slow to develop.
  • Troubleshooting issues to the PCOIP protocol are not easy and usually require VMware assistance. Better logging and analysis of errors though the VMware admin utility would be beneficial.
  • Many users when switched permanently to a Virtual Desktop have a predisposed feeling that they are going to have a slow and laggy experience. This is an issue from previous revisions or bad deployments, but once someones mind has been made up it is hard to sway them back into giving a technology another shot.
  • Has allowed users to use BYOD devices without sacrificing security into our network resources.
  • Has simplified PC and OS life cycle upgrade processes greatly.
  • Has provided the business a way to more accurately track assets, applications, and capacity.
VMware View provides a full suite of products which provide the functionality that many of the competing vendors have gaps in the you have to then use another third party application to get a working solution. With VMware View you have all the tools at your fingertips to be able to provide you end users with the best experience possible under one solution which simplifies deployment and support.
  • Simple to install and manage the product.
  • Provides users with a great BYOD option to be able to use the desktop that they would like anywhere and on any device.
  • Great performance.
  • Can reduced overall costs after initial investment in the product and phase out of PC lifecycle.
  • Can reduce support tickets and calls if implemented properly.


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