CloudPay is a payroll management tool designed specifically for organizations that have an international workforce. They offer payroll automation services, an earned wage access platform as well as global treasury services to ensure any employee no matter their location gets the money they have earned.
SAP Treasury and Risk Management
Score 8.6 out of 10
SAP Treasury and Risk Management for enterprises provides enhanced cash and liquidity planning, among other treasury management features.
In my organization, we have replaced all paperwork with this software, for the case of payroll, treasury, or on-demand payment. And from the backend, we have requested to enhance the feature like deductions and reimbursements. So in this way, it comes as a single tool to automate the whole payroll process. Which can be accessed, stored, update, and monitored from anywhere. So the whole organization and communications seem just to be a click away. Since we have switched to the cloud pay for payroll management, a lot of finance things are still there which need to be integrated with this system to make everything intact and altogether but cloud pay, as of now, do not have room to accommodate, and that's an issue to us, as a manager. So it's a request and suggestion as well to consider other finance-related things and try to fit in the same application, I know it's a big ask, but can be tried.
SAP Risk and Treaury is well suited for corporate industrial use. SAP has accumulted industrial experience of cash management and worth of the 100% money invested cause this fact reduces your time to get ERP treasury project launched as full functional. Needs more customised solution if applied to banks treasury (money market instruments focus, different accounting plan, internal risk management rules). Pricing is the main limitation: available for mostly large corporate and well financed projects but worth every dime spend on it
It would be nice if all reports could have the same recurrence options (some reports allow for the date range to be the last full month while others require a specific date range).
It is difficult to discontinue some recurring reports that are no longer used.
It allows the feature of flexible payment methods to complete of the payment of termination and the payment to be process on time which is recognized worldwide. The card payment process time is 3 days faster than the normal bank payment process, and you can stop easily. It integrates your payment procedures with a global cash flow solution that ensures the timely payments to regulate authorities like your employees, local authorities or to the third parties.
Some of the edges I have found are [the] following: Risk universe building support and navigation, Transactions back to back stacking and control on [the] roll out if your logic, Integration with risk and compliance dashboard, ease of customizing reporting dashboards both from the perspectives of treasury transactions along with risk Profiling and risk reporting.