Related Quote from Philip Pulley
Only because switching would mean big upfront cost from whatever new platform is chosen. It is if they don't fix problems because
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Only because switching would mean big upfront cost from whatever new platform is chosen. It is if they don't fix problems because
of the movement towards mastery grading, there is no way to customize the value of a missing assignment; it can only be zero. Any equity-focused district … district encourages teachers NOT to count missing assignments as zeroes. The value of missing work was customizable in the Illuminate gradebook that my school … district bosses did and the only reason I can think of…
Schoology fit the right price point, was a familiar platform for some of our students because they use
demand, and equilibrium charts. These also need both the x and y-axis so that price and quantity can be included. Bar graphs need to be able to have multiple
For its cost, it is a great bargain for our school district We have not finished our first
individual classrooms to manage class materials without a subscription/license fee.
We choose Schoology over other platforms based on its UI design, its cost per user, and its ambitious roadmap for future development to support students
We are looking at ways to reduce the cost of textbooks by building our own content in Schoology. We have developed
return on investment. The normed organizational tool alone is worth the price.
were not as intuitive, or took many more steps to complete tasks. Also the cost was better when you factored in what you got and who could use it. Many
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features are purchases. While Schoology is competitively priced, not all districts can afford it. In those cases, the free version can still be quite powerful