Related Quote from Sahil Rana
Cost is high for start ups. Less customisation options. Sometime slow down due
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Cost is high for start ups. Less customisation options. Sometime slow down due
Cost is higher per message thatn our current on premise setup Will improve integration
pricing api management should have been released along with cpi
more expensive than using SAP PO Bad license model, that makes decicison makes to not
Previous solution was on-prem and so more expensive Not sure Not sure
Performance Integrations works best Costing
there, we have one of the complex EDI/Integration landscape and we cannot afford any down time. Another area that was lacking a clear path to migrate the … High Migration cost Performance issues High avalibilties
High cost for COI instances
Transference on the message processing cost for each transaction Cost calculation details
Cost for integration suite iPaaS model is better than other iPaaS solutions.
prepackaged content and would have incurred a significant developer and adoption cost.
Cheaper and more mature
We expect to reduce our overall annual integration cost by moving to a cloud based platform such as SAP Integration Suite rather … business growth With advent of AI, SAP Integration Suite will help us leverage value from real time data integrations and insights. … will helps us with bette…
Improved development time of interfaces 2 tenant model saved cost single tool could be used for all integrations SAP and non SAP
are using as our main back-end. Thus, we are achieving significant Total Cost Optimization benefits or running both solutions on the same platform, hosted
Make it cost efficient More easy to understand for new users Providing free demos for
Positive return on investment due to cost and time-saving
support all capabilities PO has complete migration is hard Will probably be cheaper than our on premise solution when we are completely migrated
100% decrease in TCO of hardware, maintenance cost, etc.
Simple but expensive business model - lower entry on competitors, but same TCO
Efficiency and effectiveness for an international organization transparency expensive it the negative side long implementation process
how we were able to rectify the errors and have a easy integration adding value to the business.
connections Neo and cloud foundry options Strengths relations with vendors Affordable cost with licensing