Overall Satisfaction with Abila MIP Fund Accounting
We use MIP for our Accounting and Finance Department to prepare Financial Statements, pay vendors, A/R etc. We have 3 entities using MIP with different EIN's and Charts of Accounts. We prepare Financial Statements using Actual vs Budget. We also use Accounts Payable module to pay vendors and produce 1099 at the end of the year.
- Financial Statements
- A/P
- Reports
- Reporting
- Excel
- Inter-Agency Transactions
We have 3 different entities using MIP with different EIN's and Charts of Accounts but have been able to produce reports for all 3 of them. Also, we are using Offset Transactions for Inter-Agency transactions which we do a lot. MIP Accounting is good in doing Offsets that saves time to enter everything.
- Blackbaud
MIP is the best software for non-profits. Initially, we were deciding between MIP and Blackbaud that can meet our needs. We found that MIP is more user-friendly and more productive for our company. It has been 9 years since we started using MIP and we don't have desire to switch it to anything else.
MIP Fund Accounting Feature Ratings
Using Abila MIP Fund Accounting
6 - From Accountants to Business Managers. Accountants using MIP to pay vendors, prepare Financial Statements, Budgeting. The important area is Reporting including Monthly Financial Statements with Actuals vs Budget. Business Managers are using MIP for Reporting Features mostly. They compare Actual to Budget to see departmental/entity performance. Vendor reporting is also highly used.
1 - We have Computer Tech mainly for updates
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