Experience at a glance
Overall Satisfaction with Ceridian Dayforce
Ceridian Dayforce is being used across our organization from our sales associates to our CEO. It has been most beneficial in interweaving our company cultures from corporate to the field. It has also made business decisions much quicker to make by having so much data at our fingertips.
- Data Privacy
- Candor
- Customer Support
- Customer Support Analysts for more advanced users that have already tried the basic tasks to try and resolve a problem so we don't have to go back and forth several times before we actually discuss the issues.
- Would love a 'can i help you' feature within the program or support portal for questions on the fly.
- Almost paperless HR practice
- Increased productivity due to systems actively interacting with each other - automatic updates to payroll, hr records, etc
Ceridian always keeps us posted about compliance within our system and any actions we need to take as an organization as far as inadvanced as possible. It's a life saver.
Specifically, with the updates on the people page, this is incredibly valuable.
I had a previous Ceridian HCM product and previously worked within Peoplesoft and the maintenance was unbearable. We are working with a five-person HR team, only three, which actually administer within the system, in an organization of about 1700 and we couldn't do it without this single application.
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