Cisco Webex Teams Review
November 14, 2019

Cisco Webex Teams Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Cisco Webex Teams (formerly Cisco Spark)

We use Webex Teams to enhance critical communication between members of the same department and between departments. It also helps us to communicate with our customers when they have Webex Teams and improve the end-customer experience and attention we provide. This enhanced communication helps us to avoid prolonged waiting time and waste of human and technology resources.


  • Sharing documentation with members from the same department/area.
  • Planning WebEx Support sessions with customers.
  • Create work groups with members from different internal areas and with members and customers.


  • It is slow to load when the machine starts.
  • Conversation display can be enhanced.
  • Response time is a little slow if synchronizing between two devices with the same account (Android/PC).
  • Enhanced communication.
  • One point for texting, file sharing and making calls.
  • Helps with user management.
Support was excellent. They resolve any problem we had with Webex Teams in due time. Cisco TAC works very quickly to provide a solution to any problem we report to them.
Cisco Webex Teams helps us with about 45 accounts to communicate across five different areas and with more than 20 of our customers that are also using it.
  • Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM)
  • Skype for Business Server 2015
  • Microsoft Office 365, latest version tested as of March 4th, 2016
When required, we can plan a session with our customers that need support.
Webex Teams can help enterprises when they need communication between a lot of users from the same or different areas. When having less than 10 or 15 users in each area, it is not necessary since communication can be reached via email.


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