Ease of Use + Integration with 2 Other Complimentary Products
July 13, 2020

Ease of Use + Integration with 2 Other Complimentary Products

Daniel Reiss | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ConceptDraw PROJECT

We use PROJECT to plan and manage projects for ourselves (Container Terminal Automation, Machine Design, Software design) as well as for others (small to medium sized commercial construction).


  • PROJECT is tightly integrated with Diagram and MindMap, the two other tools in the CD Suite. This allows me to do initial scoping in MindMap and then switch to PROJECT and go back and forth as new requirements are exposed and tasks are developed.
  • For projects that entail the development of mechanical or electro-mechanical systems it is necessary to develop a topology of the system. By using MindMap I can define the required elements of the system, switch to Diagram to develop an initial layout of the components of the system and then switch to PROJECT to start defining the task to develop the system. Once the system has been defined I use CD Solutions to generate presentations that incorporate the reports and dashboards generated by PROJECT.
  • PROJECT is cross platform (Mac and Windows). We are a Mac shop, so the ability to import Microsoft Project and Visio charts and export to those formats as well saves a lot of heartburn when so many of our partners and potential customers are Windows users.


  • PERT charts can be generated in PROJECT but only for one task or task group at a time. I would welcome the ability to generate a PERT chart for the entire project.
  • As a Mac shop I would like to have the ability to export directly to Keynote.
  • Project is low cost and provides the functionality of the other 2 applications in the CD suite.
Microsoft Project is a typical Microsoft product - too much programming overhead, poor graphics, confusing and fussy interface. OmniGraffle is close to CD PROJECT but has its own fussy parts, plus it is a lot more expensive than CD PROJECT; it is in the middle between Microsoft and CD.
Online tutorials always available + chat, email and phone. Questions answered promptly and completely.

Do you think ConceptDraw PROJECT delivers good value for the price?


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Getting started - using the Gantt chart to enter tasks in any order and then using those tasks to initially define a MindMap to further explore alternative dependencies. The alternative works better when initiating a project with significant unknowns.

ConceptDraw PROJECT Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Team Collaboration
Not Rated
Document Management
Not Rated
Email integration
Timesheet Tracking
Not Rated
Change request and Case Management
Not Rated
Budget and Expense Management
Not Rated
Not Rated
Project & financial reporting


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