Duo is absolutely amazing
March 17, 2021
Duo is absolutely amazing

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Duo Security
We use it to manage 2fa for the entire company for our most sensitive digital assets and services. It's currently mandatory for all employees to have Duo installed on their phones upon onboarding.
- Adding accounts via QR code
- Device support (Apple Watch, other phones)
- Platform support (AWS, 1PW, etc.)
- Time delays during 2fa
- Peace of mind - little to no security concerns with moving everyone towards 2fa
- No employee push back on implementing across company
- Time savings - little to no training on how to use
We luckily haven't had any large data breaches to speak of, so I guess the benefits of having Duo are implied. We are very on top of deactivating all user accounts upon exit interview, so it really decreases the chances of someone having leftover access to systems after termination. Great, overall.
I have simply never needed to use support.
Duo is by far the better option. Google Authenticator will sometimes have a huge time delay where the authentication window is already up by the time you receive their code. This happened often enough to notice. There was a learning curve for new users, and that meant time out of our IT team's day spent trying to explain what 2fa was. With DUO, it's pretty evident how it works (you get notifications and a simple button).
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