A Look Inside Edmodo
Overall Satisfaction with Edmodo
Edmodo is being used to connect students, parents, and the community with teachers and administrators in their schools. It allows teachers to upload text messages, digital content, class schedules, digital assignments, and use align educational applications. Additionally, it allows teachers to collaborate and share materials as well as providing the opportunity for classes to connect to other schools from around the world to share ideas and content. It is used in our district on a teacher by teacher basis and is up to the discretion of the teacher on whether or not to incorporate it in their particular classes. When used correctly it allows teachers to have instant access to their students outside the classroom and encourages student-teacher collaboration and class engagement.
- Removes the physical barriers of the classroom and allows learning to continue beyond the confines of the school.
- Allows students to access class files and missed work so no student can fall too far behind.
- Provides an opportunity to be utilized in a flipped classroom.
- Teachers can connect with other teachers to share lessons, student work, and teaching tools.
- Google Classroom is more stream lined, offers students the same functions as Edmodo, and is preferred among majority of students.
- Students are often locked out of their classrooms after 14 days, forget passwords, and have trouble finding class folders.
- Edmodo's platform has been relatively unchanged for the past several years and students seem to want to try newer applications and technologies.
- Increased student engagement and participation outside of class resulting in increased academic achievement
- Increased lines of communication between parents and teachers.
- Increased collaboration between teachers resulting in increased teacher performance, utilization of new technologies, and higher levels of teacher learning
I actually utilize Google Classroom over Edmodo in most of my school functions. I still use Edmodo as a coach and club adviser but prefer Google Classroom as a classroom teacher. Google Classroom offers everything that Edmodo does but seems to be more efficient, particularly for our school as our district has paid for Google apps and each student has their own Gmail account. Additionally, Google Classroom allows students to access Google Docs and edit in real time where Edmodo has some limitations in that regard. Finally, students generally have stated that they prefer Google Classroom as the smartphone application is easier and more dynamic.
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