Want to know why MySQL?
October 24, 2018

Want to know why MySQL?

Sudha Govindaraju | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MySQL

MySQL was used by the IT department at the place I worked before. We used it mainly to add, access or manage any data in our student database. I worked at a center where students would come in and take their tests online. Whenever there were any issues with a student's test, it was always easy for us to use MySQL to retrieve his data from the database and resolve the issue.


  • Quick processing. MySQL always ensure optimum speeds, and unique memory caches for enhanced performance.
  • Reliability. It has features like consistent, isolated, durable transaction support. It also guarantees instant deadlock identification.
  • Flexibility of use. It makes maintenance, debugging and updates fast and easy while also enhancing user experience.


  • Does not really support larger databases as efficiently as smaller ones. When the data grows, only the simple and indexed query gets good performance, however, a complex query gets comparatively slow, even sometimes unable to fulfill the request.
  • A few stability issues. There have been some cases when MySQL works perfectly fine for 1-2 weeks and then it just suddenly crashes.
  • Poor performance scaling. SQL does not support auto sharding, so you may need to maintain your nodes manually.
  • High scalability
  • Lowers TCO
  • Offers exceptional security
Cuts down seperate charges for additional databases as in Microsoft SQL Server. It is an open source software compared to other database management systems.
It offers significant cost savings compared to other database management systems, as it is open sourced. MySQL is known to be the most secure database management system used in applications like Wordpress, Drupal, etc.

MySQL is not very efficient when it comes to using it for a larger database, as the request may be terribly slow or sometimes incomplete. Also its functionality seems to be dependent on add-ons a lot.


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