Forward thinking
Updated July 06, 2017

Forward thinking

Lynn Slussar | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Raiser's Edge NXT

Currently our development department staff are the primary users of RE NXT. They find the analytic tools very helpful in the strategic planning for an upcoming capital campaign. We are also saving significant time entering actions over the classic version of the Raiser's Edge. Tracking of our prospects is also much easier.
  • Adding new actions and very detailed action notes
  • Using the analytic reports to track trends
  • Tracking prospects for a specific solicitor so they can provide timely follow up
  • Still waiting for key functionality to be built out. The roadmap is very impressive, however, switching between the "classic" version and RE NXT is not ideal
  • Would like to have more action and financial reports available
  • The constituent search screen needs to be built out with more choices
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Increased revenue from new donors
  • Increased revenue from existing donors
  • Reduced IT expenditure due to cloud deployment
I would say we see some very positive results from RE NXT especially in operational efficiency for those who can use it. We have about 40 employees currently using Raiser's Edge. Only 12 can use RE NXT until all functionality is built out. At that time we will have a better idea of overall efficiency, savings and increased revenue.
Blackbaud has been outstanding in their support of our organization on many fronts and have helped us move forward in our technology decision making to insure we have the best tools for the future. We have a suite of their products and they work very well for us. We will continue to look to them in our plans for the future.
The decision to work with Blackbaud was made before I was hired. However, I was hired based on my more than 15 years of experience with Blackbaud products. To date, in my opinion there are no close competitors in the market for nonprofits.
Extremely well suited for the fundraising staff of an organization. Many really great, easy to use tools. Highly recommended if you are planning a capital campaign, finding your target audience, tracking results, actions and follow up along the way. As a database manager I am not able to do most of my job from RE NXT until the product is fully developed.

Using Raiser's Edge NXT

RE NXT is great with its mobile responsive capabilities and drag and drop design. Very intuitive for users of every level of technology experience.