Sauce Labs review for improvising quality of various applications for both product based and services companies.
Updated April 12, 2021
Sauce Labs review for improvising quality of various applications for both product based and services companies.

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- API Fortress
- AutonomIQ
- Screener
Overall Satisfaction with Sauce Labs
We use Sauce Labs in our whole organization for cross-browser testing in all the projects. It fulfills our need for all types of mobile device testing like Android and IOS devices.
- Sauce labs will be used for cross browser testing.
- Sauce labs is used by UI developers for fixing and developing UI.
- Sauce labs can be used by both dev and QA for mobile development and testing
- Sauce labs can be used by Product owners for checking the end user kind of display.
- We can make usage of Sauce Labs more user friendly
- Make it usable by non technical people
- We can improvise UI look and feel
- Sauce Labs helped improving the overall product design.
- Sauce Labs helped improving the overall product quality.
- Sauce Labs helped to build a regression suite
- Sauce Labs helped for daily executions of automation suites on sauce labs cloud devices.
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