Verint Speech Analytics Review
September 04, 2023

Verint Speech Analytics Review

Yvette Core | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Verint Speech Analytics

Speech analytics, as you know, is used for so many things. And so we use it to identify trends, identify outliers. Sometimes we'll receive a request from a line of business indicating there's a certain influx of calls all of a sudden a really high volume. They're not sure what it is, can you help us figure out what's going on? So when we have situations where there may be an issue, and sometimes it doesn't mean it's something negative, a lot of times it could be something positive as well because we utilize speech analytics not only to find the problems but to also find what's working and what's working well and then trying to socialize that process, whatever that is as well. Some of the biggest problems, let's see. I guess anything, one of the members is always trying to find different providers and we're in a world of technology, sometimes the websites and the applications don't always work as well as they should. One thing I have to say is a lot of members were complaining for a while when it came to claims and the issues with claims and how long it took to process claims and Blue Shield completely revamped the entire claims process from the member side, from the provider side. And we were part of that whole process. And so we listened to what our members say, what our customers say, what our agents say. And that is crucial because yes, technology is amazing and there are so many more advancements now, and you can find out things like handle time and talk over time and silence time. And those are all metrics that come from the system, but nothing beats human listening. And so I love the part that we take that human listening to really hear what a member's saying, what our agents are saying, and then taking that and putting that together with, let's say some data that we get from workforce management or using DPA and using all these different resources and we put them together to create a complete picture because speech is an amazing source of information, but it's not the only one source because there's inherent limitations within speech, which is okay. It's supposed to be what it is. So I love how we've been able, at Blue Shield, to take the insights and the analysis and speech and use that with other departments and align with what the business needs are. Now, for example, like I said, in claims and providers wanting to be able to find newer ways to update their information with us and they completely revamp the system and it's like a few seconds that a provider just goes in and approves online and done. They don't have to call us, no more forms. And so there are a lot of things that just happen in business that you learn as time goes on that we take. And speech is an integral part of that solution, just not the only part.
  • One of the things that I find extremely beneficial about Verint Speech Analytics is the transcription. Sometimes you have an hour call, an hour and a half call, and you don't have time to listen to an hour and a half call. The beauty is that we can find the transcription and then we can look in it. It specifies where if you look in the interaction details in the back of the call, you can actually see the transcription. You can see it'll identify where in the call, what line at what timestamp did that call hit your category and with what string, with what term did it hit. And that is extremely beneficial. And we're trying to go through and find those little points of, sometimes they're points of abrasion, sometimes there are things that are going really well. I love that we have a transcription. I love that we can also see the screens that is vital because a lot of times, and again, not that we're trying to find something bad, but the reality is in any industry, there's in any call center environment, should I say, there's call avoidance. There's always going to be some agents, it's just in any call center, in any industry, it happens.
  • Or sometimes our agents are just struggling. And if you see in real life, for example, a very high silence time, when we notice a trend, we'll start going into those calls and actually looking at those screens and seeing, is silence time call avoidance or could it be the agents are having difficulty utilizing the resources? Are the resources not clear? Is that what the delay is? Are they having trouble trying to find the answer? And a lot of times we found that too. We found they're searching and clicking and searching and clicking and it's because they just didn't know where to go. So that is a coaching opportunity. And sometimes it's a coaching opportunity, not so much in a positive way because they're purchasing things from Amazon. But I think, like I said, that's inherent in any call center environment. I do find the screens, the transcription, the trend analysis that's available within speech, there are so many things I could literally sit here and talk to you for quite some time.
  • We love it. And I'm even more excited personally now because I learned so much, as I was saying, about being in the cloud and being in that open-source environment where all of these enhancements that Verint has. And they're so often that they enhance their products and their offering now these little bots and AI to help with all of these different aspects, but that's only available if you're in the cloud and the open source. So there's a lot of benefit in being in prem, in net platform, which is where we are. And we were able to provide a lot of meaningful insight and guidance into a lot of different pain points in the company. But I anticipate, and I have full confidence, that we'd be a much more effective team once we're able to move into the cloud. So I'm very hopeful for that. I'm anticipating what else we could discover.
  • When you're in design categories and you're adding a term or searching a term, there's this little area on the right-hand side, a skinny little area. I don't understand why that area can't be larger or more it's just a little box where you have the very important terms and a little box for important and a little box for avoid, but then the entire bottom of that column on the right-hand side is blank. So I always thought, can we somehow just make that little section a little longer to fill the page and perhaps allow us to have the feature to be able to alphabetize those terms in there. To be honest, in some categories that we're trying to build, such as I say Covid or ID cards, which is a huge one, there are so many different parameters we have to add in to exclude those conversations about let's say with covid conversations that were just educational or IVRs automated messages.
  • And there are so many different ways. There are so many different things that we have to do to avoid those conversations that we're not looking for. We're not looking for educational conversations that looking for internal conversations. We're not looking for training classes. Everything is recorded. But sometimes you have so many different terms and so much logic in that little area. You're scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling, I'm being honest, it would be so beneficial if we could please whoever's listening. If we could make that area on the right, extend it a little, and just give us the ability to alphabetize it. That's it. I don't know how difficult that is. I'm sorry I'm not in it, but if that's possible, I'd really appreciate it. That is the biggest thing that I could say that I deal with on a daily basis is that little freaky box on the right.
  • What we do is sometimes there are such large categories that we have to keep on stopping and then of course you save, but then we have to get out, export the terms, and export it into an Excel file. So then I can alphabetize it and then look at it and then go, oh man, I missed this one. And then go back in, do it all again, and then export again. That process of constantly having to export the terms and then alphabetize, not that it's difficult, it clearly is not, it's just time-consuming. It's repetitive and it's a little irritating when you're working on so many different categories at the same time. And the thing is, we're a very small team. Blue, like I said, we are somewhat new to speech analytics and I've taken everything. Speech analytics and I've absorbed it.
  • I love it. But being a small team, I utilize the time of the team as efficiently as possible because we're small. And if you really look at how many times we have to do that and stop and export and stop and export and stop, we'd probably save a lot of time. If we could somehow enhance that feature, it would be lovely. That would be a great addition and that would be fantastic. I tried to add it to the suggestion in the RIN Connect, but I didn't get enough votes. I don't think everyone looks at it because there are so many users of Verint. I didn't truly know how large Verint was and how many different industries were utilizing Verint technology. I really wasn't aware until I came here. Just give us the ability to alphabetize it and just make it a little bigger so we can actually see what we're doing. Once you put the terms in there, it's like in font five and it's a little bitty box. That's a great suggestion.
I was not in data. I worked as a paralegal. I worked as an accident investigator for the MTA, the Metropolitan Transit Authority. So first time. I've only been in speech analytics now for two and a half years.

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It's not as appropriate. I'll go with the not first. That's easier if you're looking for call volume for specific volume questions and that's not speech. Speech is not going to provide you, like I said before, that absolute number of this is how many calls came in for this exact topic, why natural inherent limitations of speech, background noise and audio issues and strong accents like myself, so things like that. When we have had some departments come to us and some individuals have requests for insights from speech and we've said, and we discussed it for any request we receive, we have what we call a scope meeting to ensure that that request not only aligns with the goals and the value, it's going to bring value to the business, but to ensure that that is the best source of information for who's out. And sometimes they just didn't realize you can get it somewhere else. So if you're looking for actual call volume, actual numbers of the counts of what, that's not going to be the best source. It is the best source. I'd say when you really want to know what your customers, what your members are thinking, what are they saying? When you really want to know the voice of the customer, that is crucial because that interaction and listening to them is different than what the system can identify the tone and inflection and can identify the terms that they're saying that express joy or disappointment or dissatisfaction or negative emotion, whatever that may be. And yes, the system does an amazing job at identifying all that. For those calls, for example, where there is an accent, where there is background noise, where there are children and dogs in the background, the window's open because calling us from the car front, the freeway, none of those calls are really captured accurately. And so it's an entirely different insight. And sometimes you may have numbers, you may have data, but what impacts data, what brings the story together? I can give you numbers and say, Hey, we've had an influx of calls and the majority of them are talking about, they're expressing negative emotion regarding the Blue Shield website. Let's just say his hypothetical. I'm not saying that's what they're doing. So let's say they call and they have, so the metrics will tell us we're receiving these many calls, they hit the website category that we created, they're expressing negative sentiment, but is it going to tell you exactly what's wrong with the website? Nope. That requires human listening. So yes, the metrics provide great insight and I believe it provides a lot of direction. But when you provide to say to someone in senior leadership, those metrics, and then you also attach, oh by the way, this is verbatim a quote from our member regarding this issue. And that member says some things that are not very pleasant or they're truly expressing their genuine frustration and discontent that has more of an impact because it's not just a number, it's a human, it's the voice of the customer. So I think you need that whole picture to be able to present the scenario to be able to offer a solution. You can't offer the solution if you only have half of the problem or half of the issue. And I love that Verint Speech gives us the ability to do all that because then we partner with the analytics part with the desktop analytics and we can build triggers to know the actual counts and then we can bring that together with the voice of the customer and then present in an entire view so that informed decisions can be made.