Webexpenses - stay on top of your expenses
November 15, 2021

Webexpenses - stay on top of your expenses

Nick Ford | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Expense Management
  • Payments

Overall Satisfaction with Webexpenses

It is used across the whole company for expense claims from all departments, as engineers we can easily manage our expense claims easily and being to upload receipts immediately there is less likelihood of losing these and not being able to claim, being able to add an expense claim there and then means I do not lose any claims by not being able to submit a receipt.


  • Webexpenses is easy to use from a mobile phone app.
  • Categories are easy to find.
  • I can take a photo of my receipt and Webexpenses app will obtain the relevant details and fill in the relevant details within the app.
  • The ability to track my payment status.


  • I would like an easier Home page with clearer buttons.
  • The home screen to go straight to any open expense claims.
  • Being able to set a reminder when I have to submit a claim.
  • This saves time for the company as the expense claims come in using the same format so are easily dealt with by the relevant claims department.
  • It saves time for everyone across the company.
A very easy to use web interface is complimented by a easily navigated mobile phone application, however I have sometimes got lost trying to add a receipt to a claim - it is easy to upload a receipt but sometimes I can't seem to add it to a claim - this could maybe be made a little clearer. I have only come across this when using the mobile app and not from the desktop site.

Do you think Webexpenses delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Webexpenses's feature set?


Did Webexpenses live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Webexpenses go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Webexpenses again?


Webexpenses is so easy to use with the mobile phone app - it allows you to be able to add a claim at any time rather than trying to keep hold of receipts until you get home to a computer to be able to input detail into a claim document - one photo and it is all done for you.

Using Webexpenses

Like to use
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Checking claim status.
  • Submitting a claim.
Yes - The mobile interface works really well - it is clear and easy to add a claim on on the go - I have sometimes had a problem adding a receipt to a claim but if you just take a picture you can add this to a claim later from the gallery where the picture has been stored.


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