Wrike from a designers view.
May 24, 2024

Wrike from a designers view.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Wrike

I work as a graphic designer and get assigned different tasks in Wrike, from minor to big. It's a great way for us to keep track of what needs to get done and where in the process we are, and it gives me personally an excellent overview of what I need to tackle first. I also find it helpful to see who created the task when questions arise.
  • The "My to-do" view is great for getting an overview of all the projects you have planned and ongoing.
  • The plugin to upload and proofread PDFs is amazing. It's unbelievably nice to have many people comment at once, and being able to comment back or complete the comments created by others really helps to ensure that nothing gets missed.
  • The comment section on tasks is also a great feature. For once, everything from briefings to questions to reminders is in the same place, which also helps you stay on track if you, for example, have to pick up a task from somebody else.
  • I personally don't feel the impact of this, but I've heard from other colleagues that it's hard to get a major overview of "the entire company". Some tasks can't be searched/found because you're not assigned to it or aren't the owner of the task. This creates issues when someone suddenly gets sick or forgets to share something before leaving Forex. Vacation.
  • It's not a major problem, but I would like to be able to share PDFs I've uploaded for proofreading with people who don't have login access. Unable to do it forces me to send them separately to some people at the company, which breaks the thing I love the most about Wrike—that everything happens at the same place. A guest account or similar would've been great.
  • I work mainly in the "my to-do" view, and sometimes I get stuck in projects without being able to complete them due to other dependencies. I sort my tasks by the status they have (for ex., assigned, in progress, in review, completed). Sometimes, I would like to be able to set the status to "On hold" or "Stuck". The "On Hold" feature exists, but when I set this status, it removes the task from "My to-do," which makes me forget about it completely. I'd like it to remain visible but say it's "on hold".
  • Unfortunately I can't really answer this question.

Do you think Wrike delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Wrike's feature set?


Did Wrike live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Wrike go as expected?


Would you buy Wrike again?


It's great for projects involving many people. It gives you a good overview of where you are in the process, what may be holding it up, etc. It's just very nice to have everything kept in the same place.

Wrike Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Not Rated
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Support for Waterfall Methodology
Document Management
Email integration
Timesheet Tracking
Not Rated
Budget and Expense Management
Not Rated
Project & financial reporting
Not Rated
Integration with accounting software
Not Rated