ETQ headquartered in Burlington offers the ETQ Reliance Platform, a quality management solution designed to meet a business' unique quality needs and risks with an automated best practice-driven software solution.
Greenlight Guru
Score 9.9 out of 10
Greenlight Guru is a quality management platform designed specifically for medical device companies. The platform is designed to help companies get safer products to market faster, simplify FDA and ISO regulatory compliance, and provide a single source of truth by connecting the management of all quality processes like CAPAs, risk, audits, document control, training, design control and more. The vendor invites device makers across the globe to…
ETQ Reliance QMS
Greenlight Guru
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
ETQ Reliance QMS
Greenlight Guru
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
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Pricing information for Greenlight Guru's Quality Management Software is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost agreements to purchase Greenlight Guru Quality Management Software must be conducted with the vendor.
ETQ Reliance is great for quality systems in which different levels of personnel are accessing common documents. The user interface and basic functionality is very intuitive, and thus easy to navigate for both novice and experienced technical users. It is also great at organizing tasks and maintaining document attributes. Overall, great for the purposes of an audit. For more advanced users, it may be limited in functionality. Data analytics and related visualization is more easily done after exporting data and manipulating in third-party software programs.
Greenlight Guru is well-suited for medical device companies. They have exceptional resources that are especially helpful for smaller, start-up type companies, including customizable SOPs, Forms, and Work Instructions, as well as countless other educational resources on focused topics like Risk Management or Auditing. Greenlight Guru is NOT currently able to be integrated into any ERP systems and therefore may be difficult for the Operations and Quality aspects of the organization if, for example, manufacturing is being performed in-house, and the ERP system is used to document all quality events. (In this case, it would be redundant to also document them in Greenlight Guru - although could potentially be useful to document investigation details.) Greenlight Guru also only allows documents to be uploaded one at a time, so for companies that want to convert their existing DHF or other QMS files into Greenlight Guru for completeness, this process could be incredibly time consuming.
Greenlight Guru is designed specifically for medical device companies. In that, the platform helps meet FDA and ISO regulatory requirements.
Greenlight makes document review and approval easy - navigating the system is intuitive.
The Greenlight Guru team appreciates unfiltered customer feedback. They do take the voice of the customer seriously and will work to implement feature requests.
At the basic support level, you get adequate support, but you are likely to be passed around from one tech support rep to another even on the same problem. Some of the support staff are both technically strong and have good interpersonal communication skills, others less so for the latter. Recently it seems that ETQ wants to monetize more of their support services both in multi-level support as well as in seeming to move some services from included in annual support to a fee basis (for on-premise deployment).
Prior to ETQ we were using spreadsheets and shared drives and the ability to pull information was challenging. It was a very manual process done by many people. Now, it is somewhat manually input by one or two people and the retrieval of information can be done by anyone anywhere with ease.
Greenlight Guru definitely has the better/more easily understood UI. I've tried several other training systems and haven't bumped into any of the issues I've faced before, like my training being completed by another person or glitches within the system. Greenlight Guru is a program that doesn't take too long to learn to use and get used to using.
Has saved a lot of time in preparing for audits. In an organization with multiple franchises, the cost savings from reduced man-hours is well in the $500K+ per year range.
Cloud capability has saved on document storage and hardware costs. The cost of storing online is low and has saved up to $100K per year in hardware and data maintenance costs.
Reduced need for third-party document control applications. ETQ Reliance has eliminated the need for other software applications to support quality document maintenance.