Mailbutler is well suited to people who predominantly use their Mac for email. It adds a rich feature set to macOS Mail's native features. Mailbutler is less useful to people who frequently process email on iOS/iPadOS. Only a limited subset of Mailbutler's functionality is available on iOS/iPadOS as Apple doesn't currently provide a way for third parties to extend the iOS/iPadOS Mail app.
It is ideal where security is your number one concern or where there is a need to share securely across different physical locations. Speed is less than ideal in certain usage scenarios. It is limited by the speed of the internet and it can be difficult to pull large quantities of documents when researching or answering discovery requests, although, that being said, it can be addressed by maintaining your own secure server to contain a mirror of your online documents. But then the security for a mirror falls back on the organization.
Mailbutler occasionally conflicts with other macOS Mail plug-ins. Though, in most (if not all) cases the issue tends to be with other plugins.
The Mail app for iOS/iPadOS doesn't support plugins, making it necessary to use Mailbutler's own app to access a limited subset of the functionality on macOS/iPadOS.
Delay. At times, there is a delay between saving a document into Netdocuments and actually seeing them in the appropriate workspace. Such a delay is caused by the system indexing the newly added file.
Netdocuments' servers slow down at times causing users to receive error messages. This can be quickly remedied, but can become a nuisance.
The product is simple to learn and adheres to well-known web user protocols. The NetDocuments team spends a lot of time talking to customers regarding how to improve their interface, and are pretty quick about implementing good ideas. The system is reliable and repeatable, and similar functions are laid out consistently and in formats that users are used to.
NetDocuments is a performant web app. It is reliable and provides all the functionality of a sophisticated document management system. It also can serve, through its APIs, as a base system for other applications, which enhances its value. Other vendors find the company easy to work with, and it consistently seems to be the first to offer new features and technologies to its customers.
I've never had to contact support, but I won't give it a ten. We've had a few hiccups along the way, but nothing that couldn't be fixed within 24 hours.
I'm not aware of any other products that provide the same functionality within the macOS Mail client. There are some third-party email apps for macOS and iOS/iPadOS that have some of Mailbutler's features, but my preference is to stay with Apple's Mail client, partially for security reasons.
We switched to NetDocuments 11 years ago. So, to be fair and accurate... the OpenText product at that time was called PC Docs and the company (that OpenText acquired) was Hummingbird. I can't remember who owned iManage at the time. Anyway, NetDocuments was a superior product at the time, in general, and more specifically because the search and remote access features\functions were superior (and still are).