AlphaSense Helps Get Us to the Right Datapoint or Insight Quickly and You Only Pay for the Research You Consume!
Updated May 23, 2024

AlphaSense Helps Get Us to the Right Datapoint or Insight Quickly and You Only Pay for the Research You Consume!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with AlphaSense

AlphaSense is used to access broker research and financial summary data, get insights on various industries quickly, access public information like news, public disclosures, annual reports, and investor presentations, and access public disclosures to authorities, like the FDA Extract data and tables from 10-Ks.


  • Get the right insights quickly
  • Pay only for the pages of research consumed
  • Industry research
  • Search within financial disclosures


  • Cite sources for financial numbers
  • Create Excel API for financial data
  • Provide ability to create comp sets like in CapIQ
  • Saved cost on other research products, like Thomson Reuters and Cap IQ
  • Saved time looking for particular data points within broker research
  • AI-based summary of investor materials is useful
AlphaSense is like a search engine sitting on top of financial data. Other products like Capital IQ do contain similar data sources and inputs but are difficult and more time-consuming than AlphaSense. With AlphaSense, you only need to pay for the pages of research that you actually consume and not for the entire report.
AlphaSense helps save time when we try to reach a particular data point or insight.
AlphaSense makes it easy to get to the right info quickly. The coverage of industries and companies for broker research is much more than the other products. AlphaSense also includes detailed financial info for companies and its AI-based summaries are helpful.

Do you think AlphaSense delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with AlphaSense's feature set?


Did AlphaSense live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of AlphaSense go as expected?


Would you buy AlphaSense again?


Suited for a scenario where you have to search for a particular phrase or metric within public disclosures or within broker research for a particular company or industry or when searching within annual reports or investor materials.

AlphaSense Feature Ratings

Public Company Data
Private Company Data
Industry and Sector Research
Industry-Specific Information
Independent Research Access
M&A Analysis
Supply Chain Data
ESG Data
Credit Ratings Reports
Macroeconomic News
Search Tools

Using AlphaSense

10 - Consulting services Financial research, equity research, writing reports, etc.
3 - Business knowledge Negotiation skills
  • accessing equity research
  • SEC disclosures
  • industry research
  • genai based summaries
  • search within equity research
  • search within SEC disclosures
  • collaborate using notes
  • generate summaries on uploaded documents
  • use as reference for whitepapers
It saves a lot of time
many people in the org like using it

Evaluating AlphaSense and Competitors

Yes - refinitiv eikon
  • Ease of Use
comprehensive coverage of research on companies
budget for no. of licenses needed and negotiate discounts

AlphaSense Implementation

use friendly UI made the transition seamless
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - good functionality of alphasense led to an easy transition
  • estimated need for licenses
  • identification of use cases
  • training and awareness

AlphaSense Training

Yes it was self explanatory. Training was not needed at all

Configuring AlphaSense

remembers preferences. sends newsletters based on topics of interest
configure stocks that you're following
No - we have not done any customization to the interface
No - we have not done any custom code
use expense codes for tracking consumption of research for projects

AlphaSense Support

quick response
usually they have a resolution
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
not aware of this
Sales rep pointed me to relevant folks and also got on a call with me

Using AlphaSense

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • searching
  • summaries
  • export data
  • date range selection
  • apply filters on search criteria
  • nothing else

AlphaSense Reliability

we don't have multiple depts using it
no issues experienced so far
great performance, low latency, no outages

Integrating AlphaSense

  • no integrations
  • regular reporting of research consumption
not used any since org data is confidential

Relationship with AlphaSense

resolved all concerns and easy to work with
continuous follow up and ongoing support was provided
flexible token based licensing

Upgrading AlphaSense


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