Geographical information system for the planning, analysis, evaluation and development of the territory.
November 05, 2018

Geographical information system for the planning, analysis, evaluation and development of the territory.

FRANCO PIÑERO | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ArcGIS

The program is used by the planning and development direction of the company. Thanks to ArcGIS, it has managed to solve problems of location of services and jobs by means of data vectoring, geo-referencing of polygons and superposition of data. It has been an excellent tool for planning the territory in order to promote organized development. This program has helped in the visualization, administration, edition, calculation, analysis of entities and geo-referenced attributes in different works. I also managed to solve the difficulties in the elaboration of cartography with thematic layers previously identified by a characteristic indicated when starting to work in ArcGIS.


  • Geo-referencing of data for the exact location of an object for the planning and development of the territory.
  • Is a program with excellent work tools for visualization, administration, editing, calculation, analysis of entities and attributes geo-referenced in different jobs.
  • Contains multiple work tools that allow the elaboration of cartography with thematic layers previously identified by a characteristic indicated when starting to work in ArcGIS.


  • I consider it difficult to use, it has an interface that needs to be studied to offer the user the use of the applications in a simpler and simpler way.
  • It is an expensive program that requires the investment of a large sum of money, which can be used to modify other work areas.
  • Is a program that requires a greater installed capacity of the computer so that the tools work correctly, being a disadvantage that can generate a delay in the delivery of the work.
  • The use of the ArcGIS tools has allowed a detailed planning and evaluation of the territory represented a saving for the organization because we are more efficient in the use of resources.
  • The geo-referencing of data in databases and represented in maps has provided the possibility of having fundamental information for decisions that translate into better profits, and benefits for the company and workers.
  • Thanks to ArcGIS the organization is more efficient in the use of resources considering that it plans better the activities and decisions.
In my opinion ArcGIS is the most comprehensive geographic information system program in the world, select it over QGIS because it contains all the tools for a proper planning of the territory. arcgis offers the best geo-statistics tools, automated cartography, maps superposition, networks, topographic model, spatial analysis, projections, reprojections, coordinate systems, raster-vectorial data conversion and data capture, while QGIS is a free one that offers a set of tools but it does not compare with the professional quality of ArcGIS.
ArcGIS is suitable for working on complex projects or activities that require high professional quality and detail. ArcGIS is ideal for the vectorization of hydrographic basins and mountainous reliefs because it contains the options of point, polygon and line that facilitate the identification of the things that we want to highlight. ArcGIS is ideal for the superposition of maps in order to analyze and evaluate the territory. ArcGIS is not ideal for simple activities or easy to solve because it is a difficult program to work and learn.


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