Hootsuite Top Choice for Streamlining Social Media
May 27, 2021
Hootsuite Top Choice for Streamlining Social Media
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Hootsuite Pro
Overall Satisfaction with Hootsuite
Hootsuite is being used on a department by department basis but it is slowly becoming the top choice. I work in the Communications department and highly recommend that our other agencies use it as well. I manage a Twitter account with nearly 5000 followers and it helps me keep track of who I follow so I can retweet and like relevant content. I am also able to organize content in streams (i.e. churches, ministries, etc.) so I can quickly scan dozens of tweets.
- Clean interface that is easy to learn
- Future publishing options
- Helpful analytics
- I occasionally find that there's a lag time in content refreshing
- Hootsuite has improved my efficiency by allowing me to schedule tweets in advance
- Hootsuite has helped me grow my audience by better understanding the content our audience engages with
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