LinkedIn is THE resource you need to build your network!
Overall Satisfaction with LinkedIn Talent
We are a nationwide staffing and recruiting firm that uses LinkedIn Talent daily. We especially use it to find top talent in areas where we specialize in recruiting. Everyone in our organization utilizes this. Only problem is sometimes we find people who haven't been on in ages that are a great fit and its hard to contact them.
- Search strings work great. Boolean searching is easy and a good fit for LinkedIn to utilize.
- Gives a nice summary at the top of their current and past employment. Helpful in case what they are currently doing doesn't match our needs.
- Being able to upload resumes directly to the main page or send via message is also something that is really appreciated in my line of work.
- I would really like to know when someone logged in last. I understand that usually in a search they are at the end of the search but dates would help.
- Would like to have an option that shows if someone is actively seeking employment, just browsing opportunities, or not in the market.
- Positive: I personally have found many individuals who I wouldn't have found elsewhere for positions that are rather difficult to fill. More qualified individuals as well.
Honestly, so far, LinkedIn is the best. BeyondCore just isn't known enough by job seekers and almost every time I do a search, I find very few candidates. Only thing I do like about BeyondCore is they show the last date of activity for that job seeker.
LinkedIn Talent Hub Feature Ratings
LinkedIn Talent Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Support cares about my success | Escalation required Need to explain problems multiple times |
Yes - As a company we do pay for premium support and have multiple reps come out to do demos on new and upgraded items.
Yes - Once in a blue moon, items get stuck or search strings stop working and we always report it and it's usually fixed by end of business day.
One time we were all shut out of our Linkedin accounts due to messaging activity. It was showing way more than was actually sent and was just a software glitch. We sent a report in and called our rep immediately. He fixed the issue and gained us all access to our Recruiter or Talent accounts.
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