Not a big fan of the Benefits or Performance Management sections of the modules.
Updated August 03, 2016
Not a big fan of the Benefits or Performance Management sections of the modules.
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Core HR
Modules Used
- HR
- Performance Management
- Leave Tracking
- Reporting
- Benefits
Overall Satisfaction with Paylocity Web Pay
Currently Paylocity is being used across the entire organization for the following purposes (Payroll), Employee Self Service (Mainly for address changes and to look up and print out past paychecks. performance management and lastly for our benefits which is a connection or acquisition of Paylocity called Web Benefits. The problems are the fact that there is still a lot of manual work that is being conducted, even with utilizing a system, that then feeds over to the benefits system.
- I think it is great that Paylocity offers all types of training for their clients needs all at zero additional costs.
- I think that Paylocity has the functionality to handle Payroll in a respectable manner.
- I do like the layout of the Employee Self Service Module.
- An example would be the PM (Performance Management) System within Paylocity. It is not very customizable in particularly with communication settings, launching PM Evaluations and also notifications are poorly able to be used.
- I also think the Web Benefits module is very poor, and feel that the representatives that oversee it aren't that confident in the system, as well. To my understanding, it was a newly acquired system that wasn't fully executed (in my opinion) with integration of WebPay.
- I think (this may be a cultural piece), but having more functionality within the WebPay system would be great, and logical corrections could be incorporated, for example if someone wants to add a checking account number into their account, the system would be able to identify if missing digits were not there or the proper state routing number was also there.
- The negative impact mostly has been with the WebBenefits implementation. There have been numerous errors with setup, file feeds, calculations based on the number of pay periods, limitations with transactions that can be done with the Health Savings Account.
- Another negative item has been with the Employee Performance System, in terms of setting up forms, follow ups, approvals and editing access. We need to make the system much more user friendly.
We had ADP which wasn't all that great for Benefits and Performance Management. We already had Paylocity incorporated with payroll, but wanted to also see and implement a more integrated way along with seemless to help make our work much more efficient. I would say overall there was a slight improvement, but in the end, not significant enough to support Paylocity.
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