Great for meetings
February 12, 2020
Great for meetings

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- RealPresence Group 500
Overall Satisfaction with Polycom RealPresence Group Series
We use the Polycom RealPresence Group Series to participate in conference calls. We use Microsoft Teams to create and host the meetings. It helps bring meetings together and a sense of togetherness. You can see the other people on the screen and the cameras help them to see you and whoever is talking.
- Make conference calls
- Display clear pictures
- Setting up meetings can take a bit to register
- The initial setup was very cumbersome
- Helped keep costs down at board meeting time. Everyone can just call in now and employees do not need to travel as much.
- Helped organize meetings and bring customers together with sales.
The Polycom RealPresence Group Series was top of the line. It had a lot more features as well as the ability to integrate with Microsoft Teams. With Highfive, you had to pay to keep the device running and it was more like renting it. Although we pay maintenance with Polycom we will own the devices. The Highfive camera also didn't move. Lifesize was comparable but it did not integrate with Microsoft Teams at the time. It may as of now, I am not sure.
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