Getting data into your users' hands quickly and easily
January 09, 2024
Getting data into your users' hands quickly and easily

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Sigma Computing
We're in the process of rolling Sigma out to our entire company as our "Analytics-endorsed" BI tool, replacing Domo. We're looking to facilitate easy self-service for business users to answer 80% of their own questions. For explorer and creator users, they have a ton of flexibility in slicing, grouping, and aggregating the data as they see fit.
- Viewer level license is quite limited. These users can't download data or even add filters on datasets. Something to keep in mind.
- Directly querying the underlying data warehouse will lead to increased usage. Not a big deal on something like Redshift, but your Snowflake consumption will increase, potentially by a lot.
- Users have expressed significantly easier experience creating their own content, compared to our previous BI tool.
- Tableau Cloud and Looker
With Looker, to be effective, a substantial amount of coding & modeling needs to happen in LookML. Being another language to learn, users have to context switch again from at a minimum either SQL or Python into LookML. The concept of being able to source control, code review, and deploy your models is a plus though.
Tableau is the gold standard for data visualization, no question. Power users will be able to create dazzling content that Sigma won't necessarily be able to easily match. However, since development usually happens via an extract, helping other users troubleshoot is an arduous process. Trying to re-do or un-do all the transformations and calculations that cause a certain number is very difficult.
With Sigma, all the queries happen directly against Snowflake and you can see the query logs. The data modeling happens right in a tabular, spreadsheet-like manner, so within only a few minutes, substantial transformations can happen, with visualizations just a few more clicks away.
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