Big fans of Large-Scale Zabbix for a decade
July 25, 2018

Big fans of Large-Scale Zabbix for a decade

Steve Mushero | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zabbix

We are big fans of Zabbix and use it as our core monitoring system for our Chinese MSP business, monitoring thousands of hosts for hundreds of customers across dozens of locations, data centers, and cloud. We've customized it with some UI enhancements, API additions, and DB integrations into ticket and service systems, too.


  • Template system is really great, making it super easy to add new services and monitoring, graphs, etc. to any server.
  • Security system is very useful for multiple teams, groups, and customers.
  • Very flexible data gathering on a wide variety of protocols.


  • UI is getting updated, but still dated a bit.
  • Doesn't easily accept unsolicited data like Datadog, Prometheus, etc. can. Everything has to be pre-configured or discovered, making it hard to just send it metrics from code.
  • Integration with AWS, Docker, Java, etc. is via 3rd parties or outside tools, so while the agent is great, it needs more reach.
  • Zabbix has been great for us and our core operations system for a decade.
Zabbix was much better at handling traditional systems, and in ease of customization, both in the system itself, and customizing data sources, such as adding deep MySQL or JMX integrations. It's very good for organizing large-scale (hundreds or thousands of servers) systems; its security system is very good at separating teams, customers, etc. Also very good support, forums, etc.
Very well suited to traditional IT and Internet monitoring, with servers, VMs, databases, etc.

Less-suited to highly dynamic environments, heavily in the cloud, with serverless, Docker, Lambda, etc.


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