Zoom is going to take over!
October 15, 2019
Zoom is going to take over!
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Modules Used
- Zoom Meetings & Chat
- Zoom Rooms
- Zoom Video Webinar
Overall Satisfaction with Zoom
Zoom is so simple and breaks down the barriers for UC within our organisation. Traditional video conferencing has been difficult to get right and the lack of cross-party calls has been problematic. Being able to collaborate with external partners without pre-testing and integration is a game-changer. Really looking forward to the multilingual support and what else Zoom is going to bring. Keep it up!
- Cross platform calling
- One-touch to join
- Screen share
- Enable a browser function for Zoom Rooms
- Many people who used to hate video conferencing are using it now which is really a selling point.
- Makes my job easier.
Zoom Rooms are easy to use, but the lack of browser is a cause for concern as it needs to have this to compete with Surface Hub.
Against Polycom, it is much easier, cheaper, and simpler to configure and install.
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