Avature ATS is an applicant tracking and recruiting software solution offered by Avature.
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Score 7.3 out of 10
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, or Oracle Taleo, is a cloud HCM solution with Talent Management solutions. Its talent management solution includes Recruiting, Onboarding, Learning, Career Development, Opportunity Marketplace, Performance Management, Compensation, Succession Planning, etc.
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Avature ATS
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
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Avature ATS
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
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Contact Oracle HCM for detailed pricing information at +1.800.392.2999
As it is a very complete tool, with many features and that sometimes ends up being a little complex, I would recommend it only for medium-sized companies. Perhaps in a large company, it could complicate the processes a little instead of making it easier. But it's a great tool!
Oracle HCM is very much helpful and well suited in the recruitment and placement process and HR data. It makes it easier for HR in [organizations] to keep track of who is in and out of the [organization]. Improvement can be made by allowing employees to record their own data and update it as and when necessary without having to go through HR first.
Search capabilities - ability to pipeline top talent.
Communication with hiring managers in the hiring manager portal - resumes/notes don't get lost in email and are always accessible to anyone involved in the hiring process.
Ability to customize - we've been able to change work flows for different needs, and different business groups as well.
Government entities share data readily on applicants and HCM doesn't make it easy to have applications transferred between organizations. If applicants could apply once and send that application to multiple entities that would really make it more appealing to clients. This is a niche that is currently filled with NEOGOV, however Oracle's analytics are far superior to those in NEOGOV
There are no customizations allowed so clients need to work within the configuration standards or create a bolt on. Many times your greatest asset is also one of your biggest weaknesses.
Oracle is a large company and sometimes it can be hard to navigate the support matrix that they have set up. They also have tiers of support so you can pay more to get more, which isn't optimal from a customer point of view.
Taleo does what we need it to do and based on the costs from both a time and money perspective, I don't see us changing anytime soon. If anything I think we will look to leverage the capabilities available that we may not already be using.
After the initial training's, it was quite intuitive to use the application. The application is based upon best practices and the overall flows are quite logical. The train stop approach also ensures that users understand where they are in the process cycle. Also, the number of clicks have been greatly rationalized to ensure that there is more streamlined experience.
It works well. However we recently discovered that it no longer is supported on Internet Explorer so we had to change the default browser for everyone in our organization to MS Edge.
The rating is based upon our current level of support. The overall experience has vastly changed since we moved into product paid support. 'Also, with Oracle going with the model of quarterly patches, it makes sense to have the product company provide support to the overall application thereby eliminating the problems of bugs.
There is a lot of potential on Fusion. We have reaped about 10% of potential benefits. Especially on Workforce Intelligence, the opportunities are huge. The reason why we do not use the solution at its full potential is not in the product (which is simple and transparent). A roadmap is under construction to bring more of its potential to the end user.
Avature is much better than OpenHire! OpenHire didn't give us the ability to share resumes or notes through the system and was very complicated to keep track of candidates that applied to multiple jobs or duplicate candidates. Was also very archaic in the interfacing and usability. Avature gave us many more options to customize our system.
Firstly, create a template for the data of human resources to be filled by the client with help from us, then We transformed the paperwork, excel, word sheets, did data cleansing and refined the data, and matched data with the correct fields inside the template and imported the data to oracle cloud hcm by using human capital management data loader
We were not good at tracking any numbers around recruiting so now this last year we have been able to set the benchmark that we now can work toward improving.
At any given time, we could not say how many open positions we had. Now we are able to keep track of that.
We do a much better job with communicating with candidates now, especially the ones not selected. This will help us maintain a better reputation and attract the candidates back for other jobs they may be a better fit for in the future.