Captivate your Customer with Adobe!
Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate is one of the "bread and butter" programs we use for our curriculum development and instructional design within the airline industry. With so many facets to the company as a whole, Adobe Captivate allows me to hone our curriculum to fit our customers instead of the many limitations of other products.
- Software simulation
- PowerPoint conversion and export
- Media (specififcally music) additions
- More intuitive layout
- Better processing
- Bug fixes more quickly
- Collaborative work
- Collaborative work
- Microsoft Suite implimentation
- Infographics
- Animation options
- Adobe Captive maintains the quality training product
Do you think Adobe Captivate delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Adobe Captivate's feature set?
Did Adobe Captivate live up to sales and marketing promises?
I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process
Did implementation of Adobe Captivate go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy Adobe Captivate again?
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