Clari - The fastest way to forecast
Overall Satisfaction with Clari
Clari is currently being used as the forecasting tool of choice for our entire sales department. We have both the mobile and desktop access, allowing us to update forecasts and deal stages remotely. Clari connects with Salesforce and allows both to be updated simultaneously, notifying management and sales reps of all changes.
- Allows for on-the-go mobile forecast updates in real time.
- Management roll up -- allowing each level of management to see the forecast situation.
- Displays accurately all working deals and the stage of those deals as shows in Clari and SFDC.
- Limited functionality. Really the only use case for me is forecasting and deal reviews.
- Allow all managers to edit reps stages and numbers with a notification.
- Does not require manual commit numbers to be confirmed. Should auto-commit the previous week's number if no change is needed.
- Sped up the ability to make forecast changes remotely.
- Removed the need to log in to Salesforce and make changes through a number of unnecessary steps.
- Allows the entire sales floor to forecast their numbers to a senior roll up.
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