Concur Exepense, Intuitive workflows, Mobility and Transparency
July 18, 2019

Concur Exepense, Intuitive workflows, Mobility and Transparency

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Concur Expense

We use concur to manage all expenses within the entire enterprise globally. Every single employee in every department has/can have an account in Concur and can manage their own expenses whether travel or purchase then submit to finance. The issues that concur is solving for us are:
  • Mobility
  • Flexibility
  • Ease of use

Our organization is very mobile hence the need to access our work apps and resources from anywhere in the world. Concur is easily accessible through a simple browser and internet connectivity. It allows delegation of roles so that even when an approver/reviewer cannot access the system a colleague can do it on their behalf. Paperless and automated reducing administrative tasks and the cost of paper and printing. Also helps save the environment.

- Concur has an audit trail so you can check the status of your requests and reports and any delayed approvals are automatically flagged.
Scaleability - The system is robust and can handle a multinational enterprise like ours giving us the ability to have uniform processes worldwide.


  • Seamless integration with our existing tools like the SunSystems API to allows us to integrate with our Finance systems, and email integration so you can get notifications even without being logged in the system.
  • Concur allows you to quickly upload all your receipts and documents for central storage so any reviewer and approver can easily access. The upload speed is impressive in chrome
  • Concur can be easily deployed because you don't need complex installation procedures and dependencies. All you need is a browser and internet connectivity.
  • The UI is very intuitive and has a gentle learning curve because it uses the familiar web elements that everyone is already used to. The workflows are the best because the non-finance staff is also able to follow as they manage their own expenses.
  • Concur has a report header functionality which allows once of capturing of repeated data that can be applied to all individual expenses within a report without the user re-entering every time.
  • With Concur, you can get a custom implementation for your organization which features your logo, corporate colors, internal workflows, lingo, etc. That's an option we received in my organization.


  • When uploading images, Concur does not allow multi-selection. You have to click browse, select, open, attach for every single image you want to upload. Allowing multi selection could save time and hustle for someone with many receipts and supporting docs to upload. For my current workflows that's the only con I have.
  • Concur has allowed us to go virtually paperless meaning huge saving in terms of paper, ink and other costs related to printing. The office is now a much clearer space, less arch lever files, and filing cabinets. All these are costs we don't have to worry about much anymore.
  • Concur has reduced our cost of traveling and time savings. We don't need to physically present for any stages in the review and approval process anymore as we can simply do this online. This is a huge improvement from our previous manual system.
  • Concur is cloud-based and has no installed agents/apps or dependencies meaning here is no need for in-house dedicated support staff for Concur hence savings on staffing and less load on the IT team.
Before Concur, we used a manual paper-based system, along with IBM GERS. The manual system is a tedious and very slow way which is also prone to errors. The major hassle with GERS was java updates. Our system always broke due to Java updates or failure to update and given 90 percent of the employees were not that tech-savvy, it was a regular problem hence the backup manual system. Concur is cloud-based and is platform agnostic requiring no installation of stand-alone clients or dependencies. Concur is more error-free since you can only select valid choices from pre-populated select boxes like for account lines, expense types, account codes, etc. It also removes the administrative tasks of manual reviews and handwriting.
Concur is well suited for large enterprises because of its automated and paperless nature. It is also suited to highly mobile organizations with a highly mobile workforce like ourselves because it can allow a "borderless setup" for collaboration on expense management. Concur is well suited for enterprises which are strict on maintaining their internal identity in the sense of workflows, lingo and the like since there is the option of getting a custom package. Concur is not suited for small companies or individuals since the cost is a bit high.


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