A must-have for all businesses!
Updated November 18, 2020

A must-have for all businesses!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Expense
  • Travel booking, flights, hotels, rental cars

Overall Satisfaction with Concur Travel and Expense

Our entire organization uses Concur to submit expenses, reimbursements, and book flights, hotels and rental cars. It is extremely helpful for the employee and finance staff. We used to use a paper-based system for expenses and it was very inconvenient.


  • Submitting business expenses and reimbursements is easy and streamlined in one user-friendly electronic format.
  • Booking travel (flights, hotels and rental cars) can easily be booked all at once on the organizational American Express account.
  • If there are issues, the customer service is easy to access and helpful.


  • There are glitches at times when adding new expenses to one single expenses report.
  • The automated emails on outstanding expenses and travel are far too frequent.
  • Adjusting user settings and preferences is difficult.
  • Easier submittals of expenses and reimbursements.
  • Burdensome paper-based expenses (that are not eco friendly) are no longer needed.
  • Streamlined business travel booking.
Concur has much more functionality, a better interface, is more user friendly and overall easier to use. I also like the drag-and-drop receipt feature in Concur, whereas Sharepoint doesn't have this option. There are glitches in Sharepoint's submittal and approval procedures as well. Our organization has no reason to switch from Concur.
All employees with a corporate American Express have their cards linked to Concur so expenses using AmEx's automatically appear in Concur. Multiple fields are also auto-filled with these charges. Sometimes they are wrong. But they are often enough correct to be helpful.
The finance department has added time and capacity to work on other developments and be more efficient.
The easy interface and web-based system make training staff on expenses and travel booking easy and quick.
For any mid-sized or large organization, it is an essential tool for both the employees and finance dept.


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