EveryAction will always roll out new features, but they won't necessarily see that rollout through
June 10, 2021

EveryAction will always roll out new features, but they won't necessarily see that rollout through

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with EveryAction

We use EveryAction across the whole organization. It is our database as well as our email service provider.


  • Constantly acquiring new tools
  • Weekly community forums and trainings
  • Paypal integration


  • Consistency in customer service resolutions
  • A chat function for tech solutions
  • More written user guides instead of video ones
  • Functionality changes so often that our organization has a hard time nailing down business rules before they change
  • Improved reporting "at a glance" with dashboards
  • Overall less trust in solutions from tech support
I haven't been part of implementation, but it doesn't seem EveryAction is as ready to serve as a main database as much as it's prepared to be an email service provider. It's getting close to being as intuitive as MailChimp is on the ESP front, but is nowhere near the power that Salesforce has in the database world.
I haven't noticed a lot of outages, just inconsistencies in EveryAction's tech support solutions across team members.
In terms of fundraising and advocacy, I've noticed an increase in performance but it's not clear whether it could be more influenced by using a different tool.

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I didn't choose EveryAction at any organization I've used it at. Luminate has a more powerful reporting system and a more established database, but working with their account management was always a nightmare and that hasn't been the case at EveryAction.
EveryAction is our organization's database and email service provider and I have to say it seems like they're in over their heads. EveryAction is pretty good at acquiring new tools and expanding functionality, but it's not done reliably and things are constantly breaking. The reporting features are non-intuitive and severely lacking. And most of the time I put in a support ticket, I figure out my own solution before I ever get a response from them. There have been several times where one customer service employee has given me one method of solving a problem and another employee will say that solution is impossible within the same support ticket. I think they'd do well to stop focusing on expanding so much and work on making the functions that are currently available more optimal.


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